Monday, October 6, 2008

Importance of Music Managers

Importance of Music Managers

Importance of Music Managers The part of music managers in music artist life ? Helping artist in their important decisions and by that minimizing mistakes and set backs that lack of experience can cause. To appoint a manager is probably the most important decision, which a songwriter needs to take during his/her career as a professional musician. An ideal manager can make great impact on such a songwriter and musicians career. Thus, it is extremely vital to make the artists understand abou

Heaven can wait, I swear Ill be good; The New Frontiers review

I love it when an album begins with a bit of music that says come on in, welcome to this album, please take off your shoes. The first time I noticed this was on Radioheads Kid A, which begins with a handful of notes like stairs going down into its world. Another good one is on Mending, the debut album by The New Frontiers, which begins with a lonesome guitar note. It only really gets to say hello before the whole band kicks into one of the more rockn'roll songs on the album, Black Lungs. T


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